What are my hosting options for a public event?

1. Request temporary access to a shared Webinar License.

UNM has a limited number of Zoom Webinar licenses available as a shared resource. Since they are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, we strongly recommend making your request at least two to three weeks in advance of your event. The process works like this:

  • You fill out this form to reserve the webinar license as far in advance of your event as possible:
  • We will get back to you within two working days to confirm your reservation and schedule some time for consultation and training.
  • In the first consultation/training session, we will
    • Temporarily associate a webinar 500 license with your account
    • Assess your needs and guide you through the process of scheduling the webinar and generating a link to use in promotional emails, web sites, etc.
    • Review the Webinar Checklist
  • At the end of your first training session, the webinar license will be removed from your account (so it can be used by others).
  • One week prior to your event, we will
    • Associate a webinar 500 license with your account for the entire week prior (so you and your team can invite panelists and have practice webinars) and one day after your event (so you can download any reports from the event).
  • Schedule a second training session if needed to answer any questions you may have after your team was able to hold a practice webinar.
  • On the day of the event, if you reserved a larger capacity webinar license, we will associate it with your account and do a final check-in to answer any last-minute questions. You will want to plan additional time before the start of your webinar to double check your webinar settings and make sure your panelists are configured so that they can participate in the Webinar.
  • The day after your event,
    • You should generate and download any reports you need.
    • The webinar license will be removed from your account and many of the reports will no longer be available.
Cloud Recordings of the event will be retained in your UNM Zoom Account and copied automatically to Kaltura in the same way as a regular Zoom meeting.

2. Purchase a dedicated Webinar License.

If know you are going to host a series of webinars, you can purchase a webinar license that can be permanently associated with your account rather than using one of shared licenses. This is particularly helpful if you plan on using “Registration” features and functionality to leverage a webinar as part of a networking or marketing strategy or perhaps even use a webinar as part of a formal continuing education series.

3. Use a standard Zoom meeting

It is possible to use a standard Zoom meeting for a public event with some training or guidance on settings and in-meeting controls. This may be your choice if you want to use Zoom to pre-record a video, or if your desire is to have an interactive session and you are able to verify meeting participants through a pre-registration or direct invitation process. For large public Zoom meetings, it is a good idea to identify some participants who can act as a co-host and moderate chat and monitor meeting participant behavior.